Sunday, June 07, 2009
Dear Diary........
Food Consumed Today:
3 egg whites
2 Fiber One Bars
Subway Sandwhich
Small piece of cake
Chicken & veggie shiskabobs
Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich
Blow pop
3:30 PM. Poor Adam having to deal with me when I’m sick and all annoying. (Well you know MORE annoying than normal). I’m so glad we went to the party. Family is so important. But I’m so glad its nap time now. Really need to rest to get rid of this cold.
6:30 PM. Awwww sleeping was so wonderful. I actually do feel SLIGHTLY better. Stupid gunky throat!
7:45 PM. Grilled shiskabobs. Mmmm, I prepared them and Adam cooked them. We are all smiles.
(There should really be more food on sticks. Bloody brilliant idea!)
Adam is so adorable. He just installed an app to learn Japanese and has totally been researching it all day and night. I totally don’t deserve him. He is just well amazing!
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