Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Big Love = Biiiiig Controversy

Have you heard how Big Love is airing an episode showing LDS temple ceremonies?

Even though I personally no longer practice this religion, I’m very bothered by this! An ex-mormon is overseeing all of it to ensure the authenticity of the sacred LDS temple ceremonies. ICK. Is nothing sacred anymore??? Shame on him. Are we not capable of showing each other some R-E-S-P-E-C-T?

Ok I get he is ex-mormon for some reason. Totally his decision-whatever. He probably doesn’t believe in that anymore-who cares? Its his prerogative to believe as he wants, but we have to realize that our actions can impact others.

It stands to reason that due to his knowledge, he obviously was endowed at some time, as that is pretty much the only way to become privy to such things. He knows these ceremonies are very sacred to people. Although they no longer perhaps have meaning for him, he knows that there are many who still believe in it. As such, I find his behavior unacceptable. And yet he has no problem whatsoever doing it to make a buck. No doubt it will be a highly viewed episode.

I would like to think that most of us are respectful and would never knowingly/willingly trample or expose something sacred to another, so I find this extremely disturbing. I’m terribly vexed about it. Indeed I should focus on my own faults, and there are many people. But I’m just a big enough brat, that if I knew this guy I would not hesitate to give him a piece of my mind and the wrath of my sharp tongue.

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