Friday, March 6, 2009

2 Totally Awesome Pet Peeves

To be truthful, I have MANY pet peeves, more so than I could even hope to blog about, but there are 2 recent ones I wanted to comment about.

#1: People talking on their cell phones in the bathroom!!!!

Ok seriously people, what are you doing?!!!! Cell phones are great, and I admit with my sisters after talking for 2 hours I've done it, but in the PRIVACY of my own home.

Seriously, I'm pretty sure this is not exactly what Alexander Graham Bell had in mind all those years ago. He did not invent the telephone so you could continue your social life in the facilities.

I know you are all luvy duvy tight, but do you honestly think your hubby or home boy really wants to hear you tinkle tinkle? Ick, if he does please keep that to yourself and take it somewhere private.

Aren't you embarassed to do this? You really should be. If you have no shame, can you please have respect for your fellow pottiers like me at least? I don't want my business going across the horn to your homies ok!!!

If you don't care about being polite, can you at least think of the germs!!! They say cell phones have more germs that anything. You want to know why??? Its because of people like YOU.

And if you don't stop, I make this solemn promise to you offenders! The next time, I swear that is exactly the time I will start flushing the toilet. And I may just flush all of them just to spite you.

#2 Tatiana Del Toro.
Ok if you watch American Idol at all, you HAVE to know who this is. She has the most annoying laugh in the universe, and is seriously one of the only people who has been completely desserving of Simon's rude rants.
I don't know about you, but bursted out in hysterics when the judges picked her to come back for a second chance for last night's performance. I honestly feel this is a case where they just want good tv.

However, last night I only heard one of the infamous annoying laughs, but Tatiana never dissapoints. Suddenly out of nowhere she is suddenly speaking with a Puerto Rican accent that prior to this she had NEVER displayed. This was completely hysterical! So thank you Tatiana for making my evening and thank the ol' American Idol God however that I no longer need to be tortured by the only song you know how to sing and your bizarre, attention-seeking antics.

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