Monday, July 13, 2009

Why don’t I blog anymore????

Weekend Report

You know it was one of those weekends as far as health goes………I've just been so tired lately. I got off of my energy pills for a while, and I'm trying to get it all back into my system which is quite a process. But you know how it feels when you have that dreadful summer cold? I'm seriously just waiting for HR to approach me about my overuse of the Kleenex stock. What really burns me is I JUST HAD A COLD LIKE 10 DAYS AGO! Isn't it someone else's turn?

And I'm seriously such a BABY about it. Friday night I walked out of here with my nose bright read and sore. I was really wanting to go party with the girls that night, but I just knew I didn't have it in me. (Oh, still need to talk to dear Amy and see if she went, which I hope she did!)

But it was really nice. We didn't have a million things going on or anything so I could just be lazy and get stuff done at a turtle-pace since that is how the cold was making me feel. I told Adam it kind of feels like when someone wakes you up at 3 in the morning and that is how I feel all the time. So I can't wait for the nuriche stuff to kick in again! It just takes me 3 full days of being on it to feel the effect of it.

There were some really nice highlights this weekend though. Adam got something nice for working so hard lately so that has been great. But sadly he did have to work Saturday. I was able to get some cleaning done and wrote an article (why diets are bad) for

We had some more whiskey Saturday night that he had gotten for his birthday so we mixed some drinks with the new blender thing I got him and even did a shot. I'm telling you whiskey just doesn't set right in my tummy, but it was a blast and we both got a little tipsy. That is just how I like it. Just drink a little for it to be fun and no one has to drive anywhere. It was really fun to just relax and have a little fun.

Kim and Kiya came over on Sunday to swim with us. That was seriously fun! Made me really want a baby so bad. To see her splashing about in her water wings was just adorable!

I can't believe though how lazy I was this weekend which makes me feel guilty seriously. But that is silly as I was sick and should take it easy, right? I did do some cleaning and laundry-but there was so much more I could have done and visited more family etc. Oh sheesh I'm silly. I did get to see the Swainstons for a bit, and have a great talk with Laurie and the swimming with Kim and Kiya. I should just shut up and enjoy it.

So remember back when I was playing wow? Well we don't really play it anymore. Lately my 'time waster' has been facebook. If you don't already play these games DON'T read it for heavens sake so you don't too get addicted. Mafia Wars, Vampire Wars, and Farm Town. Oh brother. How dumb! Yet its so addicting and you love it. Especially Vampire Wars, I mean you are a vampire and get to collect blood by fighting other vampires and going on missions lolz. And Farm Town, I'm mystified as to why this is so fun. So its like you are a farmer lolz and you plow and harvest your fields, or you can have someone else do it. And you can buy like houses eventually once you keep making more money etc and your send eachother chickens and stuff. I'm so laughing at myself at how funny this is sounding.

Adam is totally addicted to it too now. Have you ever seen the movie 'Made of Honor'? Well there is this part where the ex-girlfriend is drunk and goes to the main guy and says "Service me bitch". I'm always saying that to Adam as a joke. So with farm town we love to say things to eachother like "Would you like to harvest my fields?" or "plow me bitch" and its one of those things that never gets old. OMG I so need a life!

Family Update

I put on facebook how I helped out with a bake sale for Kearns High School for Briana's band. Seriously made so many things it was insane! But I had fun with it. Went there on Saturday and got my car hand-washed and realized I'd never had that done before ever. The kids were so cute. Deb's family was practically running the thing. Those guys are so involved and do such a great job with their kids.

I'm currently arguing with Jen again. :Sigh: Hopefully things will get patched up soon. Thing I need to send an email about the 24th to see if someone else besides me will be in charge-I've done the last couple of things anyway. J

We are going camping this weekend with Adam's family which should be really fun. Friday night on the 24th will be fireworks most likely with my family so plenty of fun stuff going on!

We've been able to see Daisy and Robby's baby Hazel a few times. She is so adorable! I hope to see her again soon after my cold subsides. Again oh my gosh the baby hunger is getting so strong! (not that I'm trying to eat the babies mind you, but I just WANT one so so SO, did I say SO bad?!!!!

Adam's cousin Elizabeth was married this weekend-or maybe its today or something. Anyway the aunts are all there (Adam's mom and her sisters) back east probably having the time of their lives. Oh how I love those ladies. SO funny and fun. So no family night tonight. Wow a Monday! I won't know what to do with myself lol. I will actually miss them so much. I seriously adore Adam's family. I'm a lucky gal for reals!

If I was feeling better I would call Lisa and go over and watch a show with her tonight! I can't wait to hear how her trip went to see Allison.

My Health Quest

Well sadly I had gone past the 350 mark AGAIN lol. I got all the way up to 360 after the 4th.

But last week I lost 6 so I'm back to 354 thankfully. And I'm actually really excited about my latest venture. Currently I'm using the GoWear Fit mechanism which I'm doing a review for. Its like the bodybugg where you wear it on your arm and it tracks the calories you burn and has a computer system online where you can log what you eat etc.

But a personal trainer from Texas contacted me on the via email after reading my bodybugg review. He does personal training and their preferred method is to do the training in person, but they have created an online plan for people who can't afford the training etc and is letting me do it for free in exchange for a review.

I talked to him for quite a long time and researched his website and actually am really impressed with him.

So the thing that is WONDERFUL is that although it is similar to what I've been doing, it has MANY different meal ideas that are for on-the-go or for me I mean LAZY people lol. And he is giving me 2300 calories so I think its smart! Seriously when you weigh what I do, you don't need to go on a 1200 calorie diet! Trainers who have you do that have NO experience with heavy people. Rah!

So I just need to do it. Here are the things I need to remember the most:

  • This is a LIFE change. This is how I will eat the rest of my life
  • I am worth taking care of. My body is a temple.
  • I CAN do this.
  • FORGET THE PAST. All that matters is right now, today.
  • Its not about DEPRIVATION. It's about MODERATION and portion control.
    • For ME (sports, doing fun things, freedom, happiness, health etc)
    • For MY CHILDREN & ADAM the love of my life
  • BE PATIENT!!!! It is going to come off slow. But it IS coming off.
  • Work hard. NEVER GIVE UP.


I think before I close this blog, I must give an update about Richie on X96. You may have noticed he hasn't been on the show for a while. He is actually going to clown college, so that's where he is if you have been missing him!

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